
Home Rehabilitation

Physiotherapy, occupational therapy, speech therapy and swallowing therapy

Physiotherapy, occupational therapy, speech therapy and swallowing therapy

Recovery after surgical procedures or post-hospital treatment due to certain illness such as stroke or COVID-19, requires a long-term process. The body also needs time and requires optimal therapy so that it can function again (close to) as before.

The Kavacare Care Pro team understands this, and together with you specifies a realistic goal and plans a conforming therapy.

Physiotherapy evaluation in physical exercise e.g., post-stroke, intensive care, orthopedic surgery

Mr. G, 68 years old, had just returned home after being treated in hospital for a stroke. Some of his limbs were paralyzed due to the stroke. He lives at home with his wife, who is also elderly and has declining health problems. Mr. G’s son lives in the same house, but he is busy developing his business and he often has to travel out of town.

The doctor advised Mr. G to participate in a physiotherapy exercise program to maintain his fitness and to be able to perform daily activities independently. Effective physiotherapy has to be started at least 24 hours after the stroke. Mr. G himself has a hard time performing the functions of his body's organs. He also loses his balance. Therefore, it is important for him to participate in the physiotherapy program for his recovery.

Given the limitations of Mr. G and his family, Kavacare’s caregiver is able to provide him with physiotherapy program since he arrived home. In addition to guiding Mr. G to take part in the program, Kavacare will conduct an assessment of his condition related to the stroke he suffered. The caregiver will coordinate the assessment results with the Kavacare doctor. Physiotherapy, along with assessment, is needed to ensure that Mr. G is on the right path to recovery.

Mr. G's family can continue carrying out their regular activities while also providing him with motivation and mental support so he can recover at full speed.

Occupational therapy reviews and exercises

P, a 6-year-old boy, was diagnosed with an autism spectrum disorder. P's parents find out that P has problems after rarely seeing him play with his friends at home or at school. P also has a delay in language development and tends to be hyperactive.

As part of the treatment, the doctor advised P's parents to include him in an occupational therapy program. Children with special needs such as P require occupational therapy to improve his fine motor, visual, social, communication, and self-care skills, among other things. This skills development is necessary for P to be able to adapt to the environment in the future and to live independently in the society.

Occupational therapy should only be performed by professional medical personnel who have experience in the related field. Kavacare can organize the necessary medical personnel to guide P through routine occupational therapy.

Kavacare's team will help improve P's skills with sensory and motor methods and a combination of both. For example, Kavacare’s caregiver could teach P to hold a spoon and fork to eat and also to get dress and undress.

While providing therapy that can be performed with games such as puzzles, paper cutting and crumpling, gluing, drawing, colouring, etc., Kavacare's caregiver evaluates P's progress and consults with the attending doctor. Parents can participate by observing and guiding P's development in therapy that takes place regularly at home.

Assessments and exercises in speech therapy and swallowing therapy

Mr. L, 55 years old, survived a massive stroke and had to use a nasogastric tube. Following a consultation with his doctor at the hospital, his recovery appeared to require an extra effort. He struggled even with the simplest things.

The family was baffled because they were not ready to take care of Mr. L at home. His wife and youngest son could help him changing his clothes and tidying up. His eldest son lived with his family outside the city and could not take care of him every day.

The nasogastric tube could be removed after a few days. But Mr. L often threw back the food or drink they gave him. His family got panicked. Mr. L had swallowing problems or dysphagia, a complication of stroke. Dysphagia can cause aspiration, which means that food or drink enters the airways or lungs. Aspiration can lead to pneumonia and other health problems.

Kavacare’s caregiver has the ability to provide speech therapy with swallowing exercises for Mr. L. During the speech therapy session, Kavacare’s caregiver will train his spoken and written language skills, as well as cognitive skills such as concentration, memory, and attention.

The goal of this therapy is to improve the quality of life of the patient with speech and swallowing difficulties, while maintaining family members' expectations for the patient's recovery.

Psychological therapy/consultation

E, 15 years old, the only child of Mr. C and Mrs. K, presents a behaviour that leads to juvenile delinquency. E often skips classes and creates problems at school. On several occasions, E had problems with his friends and teachers. His parents were once called to his school to resolve the issue.

That's why E may not get promotion to the next grade. In addition, his performance continued to decline as he missed classroom lessons. He also often argued when reprimanded by his parents. E was previously classified as a calm and excelled student. Mr. C and Mrs. K didn’t understand how E could change. They were already overwhelmed by E’s behaviour.

E's parents had a plan to take him to a psychologist for consultation, but E refused. However, his parents also struggled to find the right time as they were busy with their job that can’t be left behind.

Kavacare is able to provide psychological therapy/consultation for the issues faced by this family at home. Home therapy or consultation has many advantages. E as a person who is in therapy can be more relaxed because he is in his own home during the session. The therapy schedule can also be determined based on the family's free time. Therefore, the therapy can be more effective in addressing family issues.

Nutritional therapy/consultation

J, 5 years old, the daughter of Mr. Y and Mrs. A, is a picky eater. He prefers sweet food and drinks to fruit and vegetables. If he was given a meal of vegetables, he always put it aside. J also often got angry when they asked him to eat, especially when he was playing or doing his favourite activities. He even threw his spoon or fork when he was advised to eat fruits and vegetables. J's parents have tried different ways, such as serving different dishes, eating out together, and giving small portions. But they were unsuccessful.

J once had a fever and his parents took him to the pediatrician. During the examination, J's parents asked about J's picky eating habits in relation to his nutritional needs. The doctor stated that picky eating is natural for a child of J's age.

However, Mr. Y and Mrs. A worried that J's lack of nutrition would affect his growth and development. Moreover, J seemed relatively small compared to his classmates in the kindergarten. J's cognitive, motor, and sensory skills were also barely visible.

Kavacare owns nutritionists and dieticians who can provide therapy or consultation as a respond to J's parents’ concerns about his nutritional needs. Kavacare experts can come to visit J to learn more about his condition, including giving consultation to his parents to determine the right treatment.

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