Vitamins and Nutrients Infusion, What to Look For?

Vitamins and Nutrients Infusion, What to Look For?


Vitamin and nutrient infusions have become a trend in recent years. The outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic has also accelerated this trend, as many people want to strengthen the body’s immune system to protect themselves against coronavirus infection. Nutrient infusions that contain vitamins actually help replenish the body with nutrients. However, there are a few things that the general public should keep in mind when seeking this infusion therapy.

When Do We Need Vitamins and Nutrients Infusions?

Infusion of vitamins and nutrients is a medical therapy procedure that has been practiced for a long time. Hospitals usually provide this service. However, this procedure is primarily for patients who have serious illnesses and require a lot of nutrition during treatment.

There are various conditions when vitamins and nutritional infusions are needed. One thing for sure is when a person has vitamin deficiency. This condition can be caused by nutritional problems, gastrointestinal diseases, chronic diseases, and dementia. For instance, patients with celiac disease need extra vitamins because they cannot digest nutrients in the normal way.

Vitamin and nutrient infusions can also be an effective component in the treatment of chronic or severe wounds, postoperative recovery, and migraines and bacterial or viral infections such as pneumonia and sinusitis.

Patients undergoing complete parenteral nutrition procedures are also in dire need of nutritional infusions because they are unable to receive the nutrients with food or beverages as they should.

Following the COVID-19 pandemic, several researchers tested the use of vitamin C infusions to treat COVID-19-infected patients. The researchers expect that vitamin C, which can boost the immune system and fight viruses, can be used to help patients recover faster.

What Are the Risks of Getting Vitamins and Nutrients Infusion?

As with any medical treatment, there are risks associated with vitamins and nutrients infusions. If our body gets excessive vitamins, adverse side effects may occur. For instance, too much vitamin A or potassium can be fatal. For people with kidney disease or certain heart conditions, infusions of vitamins and nutrients may be unsafe. This is because the kidneys and heart may not be able to process large amounts of vitamins simultaneously.

Other risks are associated with the use of syringes during infusion procedures. For example:

  • Infection at the injection site which can spread throughout the body via blood vessels
  • Blood clots that can cause tissue damage and even death
  • Embolism or entry of air through a syringe, medication bag, or dry IV line, which can block blood flow and cause a stroke or heart attack.
  • Vascular damage caused by improper needle injection

Types of Infused Vitamins and Their Use

The body needs several types of vitamins, each of which plays an important role in maintaining bodily functions. The most commonly used types of vitamin infusions are:

Vitamin C

The most common type of vitamin used in infusion procedures is vitamin C. Vitamin C helps maintain body systems such as muscles, bones, immunity, and blood circulation. Vitamin C is an antioxidant that helps restore other antioxidants in the body. This vitamin also reduces the harmful effects of free radicals, one of several factors that causes tissue damage and aging.


This family of B vitamins can support the cardiovascular system, help the body turn food into energy, and improve immune function. B vitamins also play an important role in healthy skin, hair and nails, and reduce free radicals which accelerate the aging process.


This vitamin, also known as biotin, can improve body strength and has a cosmetic effect as a beauty enhancer. Vitamin B7 also plays an important role in converting food into energy by helping metabolize carbohydrates and fats and maintaining the nervous system.


This vitamin, known as cyanocobalamin, plays an important role in maintaining neurological function. Several studies have shown that this vitamin can help prevent memory loss and improve concentration and increase energy.

Types of Infused Nutrients and Their Use

In addition to vitamins, the nutrient infusion contains other substances needed by the body. Here are some examples:


Glutathione is an antioxidant that plays an important role in preventing cell damage. This antioxidant binds to toxins in the body and helps remove them from the body. Glutathione is also involved in many metabolic processes as well as DNA recovery. According to research, it may slow down aging.

Amino acids

Amino acids are a group of organic compounds that make up the building blocks of proteins in the body. These nutrients play an important role in almost all body functions, including growth and development, healing, digestion, energy gain, hormone production, muscle and connective tissue formation, and skin synthesis.


This mineral is involved in hundreds of biochemical reactions and enzyme systems that regulate various body functions. Sufficient magnesium in the body can help maintain nerve and muscle function, maintain bone strength, strengthen the immune system, regulate blood sugar, increase energy, regulate heart rate, and protein production.


This nutrient acts on many body systems, especially the brain, heart, eyes and muscles. Taurine, among other things, regulates certain minerals in cells, strengthens immunity, supports muscle growth and development, maintains a balanced number of electrolytes, supports the activity of the nervous system, and speeds up metabolism. Taurine also acts as an antioxidant and anti-inflammatory, slowing down the aging process and accelerating the body’s recovery.

Calcium gluconate

This nutrient is essential for the normal functioning of nerves, muscles, and heart. Calcium gluconate also helps maintain calcium balance and prevents bone thinning.

How to Get the Right and Safe Vitamins and Nutrients Infusions 

Generally, vitamins and nutrients infusion are safe and effective as a therapeutic procedure. However, the infusion should be performed under strict procedures and under the supervision of a physician or trained medical personnel.

Vitamins and nutrients infusion should only be administered in hospitals or healthcare providers that have facilities and trained staff. To ensure the safety and efficacy of the infusion, as a preparation, people who will get the infused vitamins and nutrients have to undergo health screening to determine if they are suitable candidates.

It is because there is a risk of adverse side effects if there are too many nutrients in the body. The vitamins and other nutrients in the infusion are only beneficial if the people receiving the infusion really need them.

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Ditinjau oleh:

Dr. Eddy Wiria, PhD

Co-Founder & CEO Kavacare