Roles and Duties of General Surgeons and their Specialties

Roles and Duties of General Surgeons and their Specialties

  • Post category:Health

The general surgeon’s role is to treat illnesses, injuries, or health conditions that require surgery or surgery. There are various surgeons according to their specialization. A surgeon or surgeon is a specialist who is trained to perform surgical procedures. From the name, you probably already know more or less about the actions performed by surgeons, namely performing surgery or surgery. However, to know more about the role and types of surgeons and the conditions that require them, consider the following review. 

What are the duties of a surgeon who specializes in surgery?

The surgeon’s job is to treat illness, injury, or other conditions that require surgery or operative procedures. Not only that, surgeons can also provide care before and after surgery, including drugs. According to the American College of Surgeon , a surgeon is responsible for making preoperative diagnoses, performing surgery, and providing postoperative care.  The surgeon’s profession demands the dexterity and skill to perform the various techniques needed to investigate disease, repair or remove damaged tissue, such as tumors, and improve the function or appearance of organs or body parts.  There are 2 main types of surgery that are usually performed by a surgeon, namely:

  • Open surgery, requires an incision in the skin so that the inside of the body is more visible
  • Minimally invasive surgery or laparoscopic surgery, requires a smaller entry point and incision to perform repairs and take tissue samples (biopsy)

In carrying out its role, surgeons use several supports to help their work run smoothly, such as lasers, ultrasound, ionization, radiation, scalpels, probes, and needles.  During surgery, it is also the duty of the surgeon to lead a team of other doctors and nurses to ensure the medical procedure runs smoothly. Surgeons also have to make important decisions about the health, safety, and well-being of patients.  To become a surgeon, you must complete the education and profession of a general practitioner, carry out certification, and study specialist surgeons.

Different types of surgeons 

Different types of surgeons are usually distinguished by the area of ​​the body treated with different techniques.  It is also what later made the surgeon have a different title embedded behind his name. For example, for general surgeons the title is Sp.B, while for plastic surgeons the title is Sp.BP. The following are the types of surgeons that are often encountered:

  • General surgeon : a surgeon who performs operations on a variety of conditions that can affect almost any part of the human body. The general surgeon is known from the Sp.B title behind his name.
  • Colon and rectal surgeon: digestive surgeon who treats problems in the intestine with surgery. You will find his name with the addition of the title Sp. B-KBD
  • Neurosurgeon ( neurosurgeon ): a surgeon who treats disorders or diseases related to the brain and nervous system. You will find his name in addition to the title Sp.BS.
  • Obstetrician ( ob/gyn ): apart from treating pregnant, giving birth, and postnatal women, obstetricians or obstetricians can also perform operative procedures both related to labor and the female reproductive system, such as caesarean section or removal of the uterus.
  • An ophthalmologist ( ophthalmologist ): not only examines your eyes, an ophthalmologist can also perform surgical procedures to correct eye and vision problems. Some of the operations that may be performed by an ophthalmologist are cataract surgery.
  • Oral and maxillofacial surgeon: a surgeon who specializes in operations on the head, neck, face, and jaw area. An oral surgeon is a dentist who specializes. The degree for this specialist is called Sp. BM
  • An orthopedic surgeon or also known as an orthopedic doctor is a surgeon who treats problems related to the musculoskeletal system (bones, muscles, joints, arteries, related nerves, and overlying skin).
  • An ENT specialist ( otolaryngologist ): an ear, nose, and throat specialist also has the ability to operate on these three body parts. Sinus surgery is one of the surgical procedures performed by ENT specialists.
  • Pediatric surgeon : a surgeon who specializes in treating children, adolescents, and newborns. Pediatric surgeon has a Sp. BA behind his name.
  • Plastic and maxillofacial surgeons: surgeons who perform surgical procedures for cosmetic or cosmetic purposes. Plastic surgeons handle body repair, replacement, and reconstruction. The plastic surgeon has a Sp.BP title behind his name.
  • Thoracic and cardiovascular surgeons: Thoracic surgeons are also called cardiac or cardiothoracic surgeons who perform operations on the heart and other chest organs. Usually, this surgeon also treats blood vessel problems. His degree is Sp.BTKV.
  • Urologist : Urologists are also able to perform surgical procedures on the kidneys, ureters, bladder, prostate, urethra, and testes.

Surgery can be emergency or optional. Emergency surgery is usually performed in life-threatening conditions, such as a serious injury or internal bleeding.  Meanwhile, elective or elective surgery usually does not need to be done as soon as possible and can be scheduled in advance. Surgery or surgery can be done in the following conditions:

  • The presence of suspicious tissue in the body area
  • Repair or remove diseased, damaged, or obstructing normal body systems or systems
  • Repair or return body parts to their original position
  • Redirecting the blood vessels
  • Organ transplant
  • Inserting a mechanical or electronic device into the body, such as a pacemaker or implanted pen
  • Changing appearance, such as breast augmentation surgery

Surgeons are specialists who are equipped with the ability and skills to perform surgery. Not only that, surgeons also handle pre- and post-operative diagnoses and procedures.  You can see a surgeon by appointment in person or through a referral from another doctor if your condition requires surgery. 

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Dr. Eddy Wiria, PhD

Co-Founder & CEO Kavacare