Are You Getting Shorter?

Are You Getting Shorter?


As the world population ages, problems concerning the elderly become a common issue for many. One of the issues is that people seem to be shorter as they age. Their posture changed and they have difficulty in walking. What are the causes of this problem and is it dangerous?

The change in body height is actually common and can be found starting from 40 years old. A person’s height is determined by the length of the lower extremity, spine, and skull. The lower extremity and skull tend to be stagnant after reaching adulthood but the spine/vertebrae tends to shorten. Besides that, the cartilages between discs become worn and suffer from osteoporosis.

How to maintain healthy bones?

Osteoporosis weakens the bone and exposed it to further risk of fracture, especially at the hip, wrist, and spine. Although it is difficult to prevent someone from osteoporosis, there are some steps that can be taken to maintain healthy bones:

1. Eat a healthy diet

Make sure that daily diet provides the nutritional balance for overall health. Calcium and vitamin D are the foundations for healthy bones.

2. Use supplements

Try to acquire most the nutrition from daily meals but in some cases, supplements can be important. For example, a chronic disease or certain diets which caused lack of vitamin and mineral. Doctors suggest to increase calcium and vitamin D intake to slow down the bone shortening.

3. Exercise

Exercise might be considered endangering the bones but it is actually not true. Doctors advise cardio training such as fast walking, jogging, and running for bone strength. Consult your exercise plans with your physician before starting any program.

4. Avoid bad habits

Drinking alcohol, caffeine, and smoking can weaken the bones. Although it does not directly cause osteoporosis, but it can worsen the existing condition.
So, although being shorter can be a normal part of aging, taking care of bone health and ensure it is healthy and strong is important to avoid further complications at old age and reaching higher quality of life.

To consult with a nutritionist, contact Kavacare Support  0811 1446 777.

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Dr. Eddy Wiria, PhD

Co-Founder & CEO Kavacare